Mmachi G.Obiorah
Edu cation
Northwestern University Illinois, USA
PhD. in Computer Science Aug. 2015 - Sep. 2020
Northwestern University Illinois, USA
MSc. in Computer Science Jan. 2014 - Mar. 2015
University of Jos Plateau State, Nigeria
BSc. in Computer Science (First Class) Sep. 2005 - Apr. 2009
Ski lls
Programming Working knowledge of the following programming languages: Java (and Android programming), JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Python.
Version Control Systems Familiar with Git and GitHub
Pro jects
I designed and built a software that makes use of its users’ location to retrieve restaurant menus from the Internet. OrderEat retrieves noun chunks from these menus,filters them through a food dictionary and associates them with images in real-time to support people with language disorders to order meals in unfamiliar restaurants.
I designed and built an AAC device on the Android platform that allows users to take photos of objects in the environment. The photos are associated with descriptive phases in real-time. The words within these phrase are also associated with more descriptive images in real-time to support independent word discovery for people with language disorders
Wor k Experience
University of Richmond
Assistant Professor Aug. 2023 - Present
Introduction to Computing
Data Structures
Human Computer Interaction
Design and Implementation of Programming Languages
Visiting Assistant Professor Aug. 2021 - May 2023
Introduction to Computing
Data Structures
Human Computer Interaction
Data Analytics Consultant Feb. 2021 - Sep. 2021
Northwestern University
Instructor Jan. 2019
Building Mobile Applications for Android Devices
Teaching Assistant
Tangible Interaction Design and Learning Mar. 2017
Human Computer Interaction Mar. 2016
University of Jos
Graduate Assistant
Introduction to Computer Science with Python Mar. 2016
Object Oriented Programming with C++
Hon ors & Awards
2021 Best Paper Award ACM (CHI)
2017 Microsoft Diversity Conference Scholarship Microsoft
2016 Segal Design Fellowship Northwestern University
2012 Presidential Special Scholarship for Innovation and Development for Graduate Studies Abuja, Nigeria
2009 National Association for Women Academics(NAWACS) Prize for Best Graduating Female Student in the Faculty of Natural Sciences University of Jos, Nigeria
Pub lication
Mmachi God'sglory Obiorah, Anne Marie Marie Piper, and Michael Horn. 2021. Designing AACs for People with Aphasia Dining in Restaurants. In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 496, 1–14.
Obiorah, M. G., Hammerman, J. K., Rother, B., Granger, W., West, H. M., Horn, M., & Trouille, L. (2021, May). U! Scientist: Designing for People-Powered Research in Museums. In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-14). (Best Paper Award. Top 1% of submissions)
M.Obiorah,A.M.Piper,M.Horn. Independent Word Discovery for People with Aphasia. Poster presented in Proceedings of the 19th International ACM SIGACCESS Conferenceon Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS ’17).
M.Obiorah, E.Harburg, M.Bos, M.Horn. JumpGym: Exploring the Impact of a Jumping Exergame for Waiting Areas. Spotlight paper presented in Proceedings of the 2017 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play Companion Extended Abstracts(CHIPLAYCompanion ’17).
M.Obiorah, E.Harburg, J. Franklin, B. Downs, S. Ye, M. Bos, M. Horn. (2016) JumpGym: A Jumping Exergame for Waiting Areas in GLS12 Conference Proceedings.
Beheshti, E., Obiorah, M. and Horn, M.S., 2015, June. Let’s dive into it!: Learning electricity with multiple representations. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 263-266). ACM.